Category : Survival Lifestyle

Magnesium Fire Starter

Magnesium Fire Starters: How To Start a Fire

This article explains how to start a fire in a wilderness survival situation, and how a magnesium fire starter can make the process a whole lot easier.  It is important that you know how to make a fire and also…

Survival Skills - Survival Shelter

Survival Skills: How To Build A Survival Shelter

This article provides a quick reference for how to build a shelter in the woods. There are many different types of survival shelters.  Which one you use depends on the types of survival techniques you are utilizing.  This article is…

Water Storage Tank - Rainwater Harvesting

Water Storage: Water Tanks and Rainwater Harvesting

Water storage is an important consideration that any survival plan should take into consideration. Even if you are near a renewable water source such as a river or a well, utilization of a water storage tank is advisable for a…

Budget-Financing Your Survival Plan

Financing Your Survival Plan: The Most Secure Investment

Lets face it. Prepping and survival planning can be expensive. To get where I would feel comfortable with my level of preparedness, I would probably need at least a few hundred thousand dollars (FYI, I don’t have a few hundred…

Suture - How To Stitch A Wound

Stitching Wounds: How To Suture

Critical to any first aid survival or emergency preparedness training is the ability to stitch a wound – either for yourself or for someone you are with.  A quick lesson in semantics: “Stitching” a wound is synonymous with “suturing” a…

Survival Tip: Growing Food to Supplement Your Food Storage Supply

Survival Tip: Growing Food to Supplement Your Food Storage Supply

If you have the space for it, you should grow your own food to supplement your food storage in a survival situation.  Growing food is ideal because you will be more healthy if you balance your survival diet with fresh…

Stockpile: How To Store Food In Anticipation Of An Economic Collapse

Stockpile: How To Store Food In Anticipation Of An Economic Collapse

Food is an obvious need for a WAS scenario.  Meeting your food needs can be broken down into different categories: 1) Food Storage, 2) Agriculture (growing and harvesting your own food), and 3) Hunting, trapping and fishing.  This blog is…

Medical Supplies

Stockpiling: Medical Supplies You Should Have In Abundance

This is the first blog dedicated to a specific stockpile topic.  These stockpile blogs are geared more toward an extended two to three year survival period.  We will call this situation the “We’re All Screwed” scenario or the “WAS” scenario….

How To Survive A Flash Flood

Survival Skills: How to Survive a Flash Flood

A flash flood can occur in an incredibly short amount of time (hence the name “flash” flood). It is important for you to know the facts about floods.  Causes of flash floods include heavy rainfall or dam/levee failure.  Flash floods…

The First Necessity For Survival: Water Purification

The First Necessity For Survival: Water Purification

Water is the absolute most essential requirement for survival.  Your body cannot go more than a couple of days without it.  In the event of a disaster or social unrest, water that is safe for human consumption will be scarce….

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