How To Survive Stuff is LIVE!

How To Survive Stuff is LIVE!

Welcome to How To Survive Stuff.  This website is an educational resource for those interested in survival, prepping, and emergency preparedness.

In our world today, few possess the self-sufficiency skills or knowledge regarding how to provide for some of life’s most basic needs.   If there was a disaster or a sustained period of instability, what would you do?  How would you find water if the community water supply was contaminated or destroyed?  How would you find food if the local grocery stores and restaurants were out of stock?  What if you needed medical help and there were no hospitals open?

We are so used to today’s conveniences and luxuries.  Everyone is so dependent on technology.  If there was no electricity or gasoline, many people would be at a complete loss for how to take care of their self and their loved ones.

I am not an alarmist.  I am not trying to scare anyone.  I am a realist who sees that the world as we know it is fragile.  By learning about survival, prepping, and emergency preparedness, you become part of the solution, because when an emergency or a complete economic meltdown occurs, you will be ready to provide for yourself and your loved ones.

I hope you enjoy this website.  Please comment and leave feedback so that we can all learn from eachother.

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